Saturday, October 17, 2009

Road trip in Ramadan

On the last ten days of Ramadan a friend and I decided to go for Umrah. The both of us were prepare after work on Thursday. By noon we started the journey and let him to drive because he knows the road to Mecca.
No sooner we reached the border after it took us three hours because Ibrahim the one who's driving was speedy. It made me worried so I did advised him to slow down.
As soon as the night has came over and there was no lights which made it so dark and can't see clearly. Meanwhile the fog started and put it more difficult to view. Suddenly by nowhere a group of camels stopped on the middle of the road but unfortunately Ibrahim at that time feel asleep. Eventually I had to scream loudly to aware him about the camels. Then he woke up shocked and so fast turned the car to avoid them. At that moment I felt my life is about to end but god well didn’t wish that.

Both of us were terrified so had to stop the car to catch our breath and realized what just happened. After a while things started to come back normally and we switch places because he couldn’t continue driving.In the end we finished Umrah and return back home safely but with a story that will stay unforgettable in our minds.


  1. Excellent choice of Ramadan narrative: good, suspenseful description of the action! Please edit for grammar, etc in the ALZ. Did you give thanks to God for your safety during your Umrah? If so, you might include that in your conclusion.

  2. No comments were simply attachment to Miss Patricia

  3. I can say great stroy which really happened for lots of people who is not focus while driving..

    Time to mark your work my friend..!!

    - Good length in your writing.

    - Good in Organising your work.

    - Good in using linking words.

    - Good in using Grammer while your are explaining your trip.

    keep it up i like your work.
