Sunday, December 27, 2009

Reflective Essay

125 English course was a great experiment for me at the same time is challenging. For me it helps improving my English during the term in many ways. Especially the blog which has gave me an overall idea of writing sharing with other students.

The best for me was most of it because I understood the method of each essay and what should I write. The ILC helped a lot as well as practicing exams that developed my writing. As they say mistakes will make you learn and do better next time.

The most challenging for me is that trying to score a better result next exam and for that it happened but not most. Of course practice more will improve my writing skills. I worked in my time to avoid writing mistakes and for it will raise my ambition.

In the conclusion, I see myself that results were not balanced. For that I need extra effort in writing which consider my weakness in English to be successful. What I want in the future is to score a great mark in the IELTS exam and graduate holding my bachelor.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Compare and Contrast: UAE vs BRAZIL

Foot ball, is the number one game and most popular sport worldwide. However, what you need a ball and two teams against each other but, to win one of the team should score more than the other. I am going to compare and contrast the similarities and differences between overall play of Brazil’s national football team with that of the UAE.

There are some distinct similarities between the two. The first similarity is that they both consider national team representing their countries. Therefore, each got a trophy by participating in variety world championship. Brazil include eleven professional players as same as the UAE national team. For that reason, the play style of them it will be found fairly and organized to the plan. Neither the both like to play in a defensive way because, they like to attack more.

Although there are a number of similarities there are several differences between them. The first difference is that Brazil won five times of the world cup unless of UAE. On the other hand, Brazil got more experience and history in football more than UAE. Another important difference is the players of Brazil are joined in major football clubs known worldwide, rather than UAE players they are in the local tournament.

We can see the both teams are similar in many ways but very different in others. I prefer to watch Brazil play because their style attracts me to enjoy a nice game. In case if both of them play a match of course I will support UAE.

Compare and Contrast: Abu Dhabi vs Dubai

Abu Dhabi and Dubai, both cities we are proud of in the UAE. The both of them considered as a main economical and tourism city, which attract people from all over the world. I am going to compare and contrast the similarities and differences between living in the both cities.

There are some distinct similarities between the two. The first similarity is that both provide a variety of choices of job opportunities. There are a number of companies and governmental offices that offer a well paid salary. Each city holds a huge malls and, entertainment facilities to who are living with it. For that the person who lives can experiment many different things. Both cities got a traffic issue where people are complaining from stacking in street for hours.

Although there are a number of similarities there are several differences between them. The first difference is that Abu Dhabi still sticks to its typical and traditional ways, where Dubai is more open. Another important difference is Abu Dhabi considered the capital of the UAE, for that the rent rate is more expensive than Dubai. Yet another difference is the size of Abu Dhabi is bigger than Dubai.

We can see that both cities are similar in many ways but few different in others. I prefer to live in Abu Dhabi because I am from the city itself since I grow up. The reason is all my family are in it and most of my friends.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Process: How to add Computer Memory

Memory for your computer is getting cheaper and cheaper. Since with more memory, more programs and files can be opened at once. A typical PC will ship with 128MB or perhaps 256MB of memory, but that amount can be increased to 512MB or even 1GB. The hardest part of installing new memory is figuring out what kind to buy.

In this essay, I will describe the process of how to add a memory:

First of all, check your computer or motherboard documentation the type of memory should be mentioned. Next, open the computer case and look at the memory chips for hints. Then, found the type and amount of memory is needed. After that locate the sockets and remove existing memory. Alternatively, the computer should be unplugged. Ground yourself or wear an antistatic wrist strap, and remove the case. In order to upgrade memory, you may have to remove some of the existing modules. If the modules are held in place by plastic or metal tabs, push down on these tabs at the same time and the module should pop out. Make sure the slots are aligned properly with the socket. Finally you can install you new memory with safe and enjoy more process speed.

In the conclusion, if you follow these steps you should know how to add a memory. In a case if once the computer needed upgrade you can fix it in anywhere.

Process: The Pyramids

The pyramids are one of the wonders of the world which their history returns back to around 3500 BCE. They are located in Egypt precisely in the city of Cairo. The pyramids were built by slaves serving a merciless pharaoh. The reason of building the pyramids are as tombs for the Egyptian kings.

In this essay, I will describe how the pyramids were built:

The first stage the pyramid is built from a large blocks of a raw material was called limestone. Then, the stone blocks are cut by copper chisels and mallets. After that, the workers are drove wooden wedges into the holes to split the stone. Next, the stones are moved by wooden sleds. Once on land, the stone blocks are placed on sledges. Furthermore, Slaves are hauled the sledges over wooden rollers by pulling on towropes made of papyrus which was made from riverside reeds. The water is poured in front of the rollers as a lubricant. The stones are towed on the sledges up the sides of the pyramid on ramps of sand. Then the blocks are levered into place. In the final stage workers dug away the sand.

In the conclusion, they were one of the biggest building projects ever to have been completed in history. Although people still searching of how are been built at that time of age.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Road trip in Ramadan

On the last ten days of Ramadan a friend and I decided to go for Umrah. The both of us were prepare after work on Thursday. By noon we started the journey and let him to drive because he knows the road to Mecca.
No sooner we reached the border after it took us three hours because Ibrahim the one who's driving was speedy. It made me worried so I did advised him to slow down.
As soon as the night has came over and there was no lights which made it so dark and can't see clearly. Meanwhile the fog started and put it more difficult to view. Suddenly by nowhere a group of camels stopped on the middle of the road but unfortunately Ibrahim at that time feel asleep. Eventually I had to scream loudly to aware him about the camels. Then he woke up shocked and so fast turned the car to avoid them. At that moment I felt my life is about to end but god well didn’t wish that.

Both of us were terrified so had to stop the car to catch our breath and realized what just happened. After a while things started to come back normally and we switch places because he couldn’t continue driving.In the end we finished Umrah and return back home safely but with a story that will stay unforgettable in our minds.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Procedure Essay: The Hajj

The hajj is concern one of the five feature of pillars of Islam. It is the duty for all Muslims to perform hajj if they are financially capable at least once in their life. During the hajj there are rituals had to be fallowed.

Firstly the pilgrimage begins on the eighth day of Dhul- Hijjah but before that they have to perform Umrah. Secondly the person who performs pilgrimage has to pronounce hajj intention to Allah. Then before entering Mecca, pilgrims are recommended to make a shower with the intention to purify one's self. Next pilgrimages have to wear ihram which is a garment to cover the upper part and lower part of the body. And for a woman her dress should cover the whole body decently beside that leaving the hands and the face uncovered. In addition the garments should be of seamless cloth, perfumes can be used on the body but not the garments.
Then pilgrimages do their first Tawaf seven times when they enter Ka'aba later on the Sa'i seven times between Safa and Marwah. Furthermore going out on the first official day of the hajj to Mina, where they stay the night. Moreover the next morning they travel to the plain of Arafat, where pilgrims combined dhuhr and asr prayers then they stay until sunset.
Meanwhile after sunset the pilgrims leave for Muzdalifah, quietly and reverently in compliance where they camp for the night. Eventually back to Mins, pligrims throw seven stones where Muslims believe the devil tempted Abraham. So far the pilgrim goes to slaughter a sheep for his sacrifice in their name either personally or through somebody else to do it on his behalf.

Finally returning back to Mecca where the pilgrim makes Tawaf around Ka'aba and Sa'i between Safa and Marawah. Then they return to Mina, for the three days of prayers. Lastly the final rite of Hajj is a farewell Tawaf.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Procedure Essay: How to Fail the Portfolio

The portfolio assessment is a collection of student work created in response to specific, known instructional objectives and evaluated in relation to the same criteria.

To fail your portfolio you should do fallowing:

Firstly don't do evidence of the identity or contents of the blinder on the spine or front cover of the blinder. Then do not arrange your work and never hand it on time. Next do not order number of the pages or contents in any particular way that will make it difficult to find specific material. In addition make sure to spill coffee on all the pages and put in appropriate photographs in with the work. Furthermore do not include in the blinder evidence of extensive self reflection or work on improving performance.

Finally no thought has been given to the appearance of the blinder or its contents. After that do not put your name on the work or the title on the front cover and make the content of the blinder dirty. Remember not to use the correct front size or front colour that will not give the blinder a professional appearance.